
Is it easy to be young?

Автор: Заводова Екатерина Александровна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Учебное заведение: МАОУ "Сажинская СОШ"
Населённый пункт: с. Сажино, Свердловская область
Наименование материала: Методическая разработка
Тема: Is it easy to be young?
Раздел: среднее образование



1. Guess the word.
a. a “wizard” of computers; _________________ b. a person with a short hair cut, listening to reggae; __________________ c. a person dressed in a shocking way (very bright hair); _______________________ d. equipment necessary for making techno music; _________________ e. a person with a motor bike; __________________ f. a person visiting all-night dance parties. ____________________
2. Guess in which text you can find the answer on the following questions.
In which text can you find the description of the: goth? mod? skinhead? raver? hacker?
He is a wizard of the computer community, he knows how his computer works. He can do things with it that seem “magical”.
He is one of a gang of white boys characterized by closely cropped hair, heavy boots, and braces and a nationalist and racist agenda.
He is a person who leads a wild or uninhibited social life, especially attending “Rave” parties.
Elements of the lifestyle include music, clothes (often tailor-made), dancing and motor scooters.
He is characterized by black clothes and deathly white make-up.
He is a member of a motorcycle gang.
3. Read a text below. Use the words from the right column in the correct form.
I have never supposed that there are so many music styles and so many 1) _______ around us. I have only known something about 2) ____, they are the people who like to wear the 3) ______ and lots of silver jewellery. It seems to me, that I begin to 4) ______ why this subculture is so 5) ______ among teenagers and young people. They start to analyze their 6) _____________ and become 7) _________ with it. 1. culture 2. gothical 3. black 4. misunders tand 5. popularity 6. live 7. satisfy
4. Guess the subculture.
To express themselves To rebel against the society To differ from social norms To be in a collective To reject everything To protest against the parents To show off To express their identity

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